Motivational Speaking

  • Keynotes

    Want a compelling presentation that purposefully celebrates and challenges your team? Then book Intentionally Me! Choose to give your team a unifying experience grounded in valuation of all team members. Words create connection and propel vision. Let Intentionally Me help you set the atmosphere for your team to attain higher levels of achievement.

  • Workshops

    Want an in-depth exploration of leadership practices essential to your team’s success? Then book Intentionally Me! This time investment will yield significant gains in effective communication, situational awareness, and camaraderie. Let Intentionally Me help you boost your team’s success.

  • Seminars

    Want tailored, interactive developmental experiences with leadership topics? Then book Intentionally Me! Let Intentionally Me establish a safe environment for team members to set goals, assess their current leadership practice, and collectively commit to self-determined higher levels of leadership practice. Intentionally Me can help you leave no team member behind as your team strides towards its leadership goals.

  • Classes

    Want customized study of leadership topics? Then book Intentionally Me! Let Intentionally Me provide the science of leadership and enable your team to focus on creating the art of leadership practice best suited for your mission and conditions. A team that learns together, grows together.

The Intentionally Me Approach to Speaking Events

  • We carefully read your Speaker Request to understand your need and our ability to meet your need. We then contact you to further discuss this Speaking Event. Please be ready to discuss the purpose and desired takeaways of this Speaking Event.

  • We believe in proactive coordination and communication. We will work closely with you to create a Speaking event that meets your goals and needs while resonating with your people.

  • We research, reach out to you, and rehearse to deliver a Speaking experience worthy of your people. Purposeful impact, as specified by your goals, is our standard and focus.

  • We show up ready and resolute to engage your people purposefully. “Can do!” and “No Excuses!” are our mindset and state of being. Aligned with your desired outcomes, we speak and model the heart of our leadership model, which is “Success is Intentional!”